As my film has an urban and modern aesthetic, I wanted to choose believable costumes that didn't draw the spectator's attention away from the narrative and film itself, but blend in naturally. 

For The Boy: Similar to The Ellington Kid I choose a simple costume of jeans and a hoodie, everyday clothes for a normal character. The essential parts of his costume were his headphones, that played a key part in allowing him to be fooled by The Woman. 

For The Girl: I decided to dress her in pyjamas as she has just woken up and is not expecting guests at this early point in the day. I again chose very normal clothing to emphasise the naturalism of her narrative. 

For The Woman: This costume took the greatest amount of time to plan. I had to decide if I wanted a more comedic aesthetic for her character, or more serious and natural one. I didn't want to stereotype her character by saying just because she steals, she will dress in a certain way. I spoke to my peers about this issue and we collectively decided I should choose what I wanted, and put my own spin on it. I didn't dress her in a significantly poorer fashion, as I don't think her character is. The Woman, in my mind is a weird lady who enjoys stealing from people, and we never know why. For this reason I dressed her in lots of long cardigans and scarfs, obscuring her identity, but also allowing her to blend in with the people around her, and not sound out. 
