The Fly from olly williams on Vimeo.

Within the first 8 seconds of The Fly we already have context and we know where the stakes are at. Film starts with an all black screen with the non-diegetic sound of a shotgun been loaded then "Right boys, 3 minutes, now go go go!!". The film is written and directed by Olly Williams, and tells the story of a getaway driver impatiently waiting his crew to return from their heist. The film is 5 minutes of high intensity drama, fuelled by the drivers annoyance and irritableness caused by the antagonist, the fly.  

The title for this films, sets the tone before the audience realise. The aggressive strobe like effect mirrors the annoying themes throughout. One of the key elements of this film is the non-diegetic sound, we are able to hear the screaming commotion of the robbery without seeing any of it actually happen. This gives the audience context and heightens the tension. 
